We need Mavericks…Calling all Mavericks…it’s time!
The term “Maverick” is derived from the name of Samuel A. Maverick, a Texas lawyer and land baron who lived in the 19th century.
Sam Maverick was known for not branding his cattle, a common practice during that time. This led to unbranded cattle being referred to as "Maverick's".
Over time, the term “Maverick” evolved to describe individuals who refused to conform to the norms of society, politics, or any other structured system. They are individuals who are independent-minded, bold, and unorthodox in their approach to life and work.
Why do I advocate for this refusal to conform to societal norms and our orthodox structured systems?
Because these systems and norms are based in authoritarianism rather than Natural Law.
Authoritarianism seeks power over others via any means necessary.
Natural Law enables individuals to have power with others via voluntary cooperative associations.
Natural Law is life sustaining.
Authoritarianism is antithetical to life.
Maverick Ways are ways to say things that need to be said and do things that need to be done.
Mavericks build their foundations on the revolutionary principle of “win-win” relationships between themselves, all aspects of their environment, and other people.
I aspire to be One.